Daniel Baiolla

Daniel Baiolla, born on January 2,1996, is an Italian drummer, producer and composer.

He starts to play drums at the age of 11.

At 14, he took the TV’s stage with his first punk-rock band, making an appearance live on Channel 5 (Mediaset) in the italian TV-show “Io Canto”, this is followed by years in which he takes part in the tour of the program.

Between 2014-2015 He plays for some artists from “X-Factor Italia” in some live gigs. At 23, he moved to London where as a drummer he grew a lot professionally by interfacing with the U.K. music scene.

He also holds to date the role of co-manager of the british record label “Rotbaum Records”.

Artist, content creator, sessionist and versatile musician seamlessly blends punk-rock and hip-hop influences, infusing his social media with a unique combination of style, good vibes, and contagious energy.

His online presence reflects the vibrant tapestry of his musical journey.

Daniel Baiolla Drummer